
Barry-Wehmiller今天成立了125多年前,这是一种快速增长的25亿美元全球厂家,服务于包装,波纹,薄板和纸张转换行业。其企业愿景强调了团队成员国的贡献和创造沟通文化和个人履行的重要性。该公司的亚搏官网app登录入口首席执行官Bob Chapman是共同作者的每个人都很重要:关心你的人喜欢家庭的非凡力量据称,公司应该通过建立一个包括团队成员,家庭,供应商和客户的广泛社区来创造更美好的世界。


Maintaining that culture across more than 80 companies and 11,000 team members places a premium on effective communication—and Barry-Wehmiller relies on its corporate video team to play an important role. But the video team was hobbled by an aging infrastructure that wasn’t designed for video production, so they had a hard time keeping up with the demand.


“我们的视频制作系统使用了公司NAS菲尔公司的一股,这些公司没有专为视频生产而设计,无法跟上我们所需要的内容,”巴里 - 韦米尔生产商Chad Harris说。“绩效限制让它感到像我们的团队正在通过糖蜜贯穿 - 并在项目上进行合作,我们最终通过硬盘。我不得不审查Final Cut Pro的代理设置中的镜头,所以我无法真正讲述它看起来像什么。“

They decided to upgrade and called on 1303 Systems, an experienced integrator that specializes in video production environments. The needs were clear: increased performance, editing of files in place at native resolution, and direct file sharing. Equally important was making sure there was no negative impact on the corporate IT environment, and that system would be easy to install and maintain.

Stornext Pro Studio提供了答案

The team selected Quantum StorNext Pro Studio with 96TB of high-performance disk connected to a dedicated Fibre-Channel fabric. Pro Studio is a fully integrated turnkey media solution that includes Quantum’s StorNext software, an Xcellis Workflow Director, and high-speed RAID storage compatible with Apple environments. It provides high-speed file sharing over Fibre Channel that allows multiple editors to work on the same files at the same time at full resolution—dramatically decreasing the time required to complete projects. It also provides scalability and gives customers the option of setting up automated archiving.

“The 1303 team, which has been working with Barry-Wehmiller for several years, is experienced in providing StorNext support, and the service team at Quantum is terrific,” explains Thad Vaughn, vice president of operations and infrastructure at 1303 Systems. “They give corporate IT groups the same kind of backing that they give to specialized agencies, television production companies, and movie studios.”

Production Times Cut in Half, Improved Quality, and Important ROI


“Since we’ve put the Quantum system in, we’ve not only been able to produce super high-quality production at a very fast turnaround, but we’ve been able to show management how important video is,” explains Elias Huch, Barry-Wehmiller video production leader. “And we’ve been able to show a really important return on investment.”