Citizen Pictures

Citizen Pictures“>
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Citizen Pictures“>
       <img src= Andrew Moraski
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Denver Post House实现共享存储解决方案,以提高效率并建立流体,经济增长的基础

基于丹佛的后期生产房屋公民图片部署了新的Quantum®Xcellis workflow storage solution, powered by the Quantumxinyabo体育 并集成了量子伙伴Storexcel,以实现更高的生产截止日期效率。

Citizen Pictures is an Emmy Award-winning, lifestyle-focused content creation company that specializes in high-profile, talent-driven productions, largely for food-oriented networks and digital platforms. With a team of about 25 people, it creates programs such as "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives," "Smoked," and "Guy & Hunter's European Vacation." Until it deployed the Quantum Xcellis storage solution, Citizen Pictures had relied on an aging Xserve infrastructure with limitations that the company recognized would eventually prevent it from maintaining the capacity and performance necessary to meet production deadlines.

“The Xcellis solution specified by StorExcel not only enables us to take advantage of Quantum's powerful StorNext platform but also allows us to start with the capacity and performance we need now, and then scale up the storage system economically as those needs change," says Andrew Moraski, post-production supervisor at Citizen Pictures. "With Xcellis, we brought the latest storage technology into our existing operations and very quickly began realizing efficiency gains that make it easier to meet our clients' deadlines."


xinyabo体育 , the full-featured management tool integrated into Xcellis, provided StorExcel and Citizen Pictures with an intuitive wizard interface that reduced the time and cost required to deploy the entire storage system and clients. Now that the system is deployed, StorNext Connect offers management and troubleshooting capabilities that help the post house to identify and resolve issues quickly for optimal performance and maximum uptime. It also supplies real-time monitoring and trending statistics that aid Citizen Pictures in maintaining the mix of performance and capacity ideal for its operations and project workload.

“公民图片与苛刻的客户合作,不断提高酒吧,”Storexcel总裁Lance Hukill说。“Xcellis将允许公司的内容工作组利用Sto亚搏官网app登录入口rNext平台来提高其效率和生产力,并且Xcellis的持续可扩展性将确保公民图片可以轻松地构建初始投资,并与客户的较高期望增加。“