使用Quantum Stordext制作可伸缩的视频工作流程

In only six years, Craftsy has become a premier meeting place for thousands of creative pros and millions of makers, producing more than 1,200 video classes on topics ranging from sewing and baking to photography and jewelry making. The classes feature how-to lessons, enable direct online interaction with instructors and other students, and are supported by downloadable templates, supplies, and complete kits.



cartssy最初使用了基于iSCSI的存储区域网络(SAN)进行视频文件,但在两年内超越它。“我不得不不断向自由容量移动文件 - 这是一个巨大的痛苦,”Craftsy的开发工程师Justin Lang说。

它还没有支持mul性能ti-camera editing. “Multi-cam editing requires strong storage performance because editors need to play those multi-angle video streams simultaneously when editing,” explains Lang. “We needed a system that could deliver better performance, so we could produce high-quality videos, faster.”

Reliability was also a concern. “Every night, we export about 15 videos,” says Lang. “With the SAN, we had one or two failures per night, which slowed our workflow. The SAN just didn’t have the performance needed to export files reliably.” And there was often down-time.

Adopting the StorNext File System

Craftsy deployed a new Fibre Channel SAN using Quantum StorNext to streamline management, increase scalability, and provide fast access to files. StorNext offers a high-performance shared file system that provides rapid, low-latency access to content across a multi-tier storage environment.

最初,CRAFTSY选择了“滚动 - 您自己的”方法,将StorNext软件与第三方存储和从级别的级别集成。

新系统简化了文件访问。“编辑可以轻松地从Adobe Premiere Pro内抓取项目文件,”Lang说。“与MAM和单个StorNext文件系统一起,它无关紧要原始文件所在的位置。编辑器不必管理素材,管理员避免了尝试查找文件的头痛。“

Upgrading to StorNext Appliances

是时候升级时,CRAFTSY选择了Quantum Stornext M440元数据设备,它使用StorNext 5平台来管理数据,将其添加到Store Q系列存储器到其SAN。Quantum和其中一个集成商有助于创造平稳的部署。“我们在白天准备了环境,在晚上做了切削,”郎说。“停机时间不到一天。”

Establishing a Streamlined Workflow

StorNext has streamlined the production workflow. “Once editors begin the ingest process, data is transferred to the SAN, then the MAM picks it up for ingest,” says Lang. “Ultimately, all of the raw content resides in the StorNext environment—that’s where our entire repository of assets lives until it’s time for archiving. With StorNext, multiple users can simultaneously access the assets they need.”

Accelerating Workflow, Improving Reliability

“StorNext SAN提供比iSCSI SAN的显着更好的性能,”Lang说。“视频导出更快。因此,生产者可以开始审查素材并将反馈与以前更快地向编辑提供反馈。“

StorNext also enables multi-camera editing. “StorNext gives us the performance to do multi-cam editing efficiently,” says Lang. “Production teams can stay focused on set, we have greater flexibility for editing, and the entire workflow is faster.”

StorNext has also essentially eliminated export failures. “With the StorNext solution, export failures have gone from one or two per night to zero,” says Lang. “Our editors can concentrate on the creative process instead of technical issues.” And the IT group has also been impressed with the system’s stability.
