带Quantum Stornext的领先伦敦生产房屋缩放4K

A combination of rapid growth and new 4K work meant that London-based post house Fifty Fifty was outgrowing its storage systems. The solution was adding anXcellis®Fourction.系统。xinyabo体育 empowers the company do all 4K finishing at high speed from shared storage, and fully automates archiving and retrieval.


在其旧系统中,五十五十多条使用Avid Isis 5500存储在线工作,一些NAS连接的近线磁盘和用于存档的LTO-5库。该系统对传统广播高清工作流程进行了良好,但努力处理4K工作。随着团队寻找新的解决方案,他们优先提高性能来处理房屋内的所有更高分辨率工作,以及自动化归档功能以减少管理开销,并使其更快,更容易访问现有内容。

Search Leads to Quantum StorNext
亚历克斯·米德,50五十五十五十五十五的行动总监探索了所有市场替代品,解释道。“我们正在寻找一个存储解决方案,我们可以作为业务中的工具 - 生产团队以及技术团队可以直接访问内容 - 从创造性的应用程序的角度来看,这是卖方无关的。”

Meade在Quantum Xcellis Foundation存储解决方案中找到了他想要的内容。基于设备的系统包括xinyabo体育 文件系统,Xcellis工作流存储系统,具有192 TB的高性能RAID和量子Scalar i3LTO-7 library as an archive. Fifty Fifty’s Quantum solution also includes StorNext Storage Manager software, which automatically makes copies of files and moves content between disk and tape to create an active archive.

New System Fits in Easily with Existing Storage
新的StorNext和Xcellis解决方案并排使用该公司的现有存储系统进行操作。亚搏官网app登录入口“Quantum Stornext连接到我们的基准分级套件,以及我们的火焰和交响曲在线套房 - 所有这些都有10 GB连接 - 所以他们可以分享媒体,”Meade说。“所以,对于4K整理,我们不会再在独立的储存群岛内围绕着Tberabytes。这使我们可以为客户提供快速的功能和快速转向项目的速度。“

Meade explains that the selection of StorNext was based both on the strength of the technology and the expertise of Quantum as a supplier: “We’re very confident in the robustness of the storage. And just as important, Quantum has a very good reputation that made them instantly attractive.

Installing the new system and making it work in the existing Fifty Fifty environment was seamless. “The install by Quantum was really well managed, and we worked closely with them and our supplier, Digital Garage. They helped us with the advance planning to make sure all the infrastructure was in place and ready for the integration. It couldn’t have been better.”

Future Will Bring More and More Data
