Hogarth Worldwide Standardizes on Quantum Storage for its Rapidly Growing Global Business

Hogarth Worldwide is a fast-growing global business that produces advertising and marketing content for some of the world’s leading brands. A recent IT consolidation initiative led the company to standardize on Quantum storage solutions across all of its business divisions.

在几十年中,Hogarth从一个小型启动到强大的全球业务。Quantum Stornext平台在支持开始以来的支持之后,在支持公司的内容工作流程中发挥了关键作用。亚搏官网app登录入口但是,虽然Hogarth使用量子StorDext为其广播业务,但该组织使用基于Windows的系统,其中包含其他供应商的存储,用于打印和数字生产。

新的“校园”IT倡议母公司WPP LED Hogarth考虑在所有业务部门迁至一个亚搏官网app登录入口平台。结果,IT团队决定重新评估存储。

Simplifying implementation with Ethernet

As part of the campus consolidation initiative, Hogarth decided to standardize on Ethernet connectivity for its IT infrastructure. “We knew each of our new data centers would already have Cat 6 cabling in place, so it made sense to stick with Ethernet rather than installing fiber,” says Steve Butler, production technology director at Hogarth Worldwide.



为了支持IT合并倡议,霍加尔斯团队决定标准化量子储存。“StorNext平台和Storage Manager工具是我们的杀手功能,”Butler说。“使用StorNext和Storage Manager,我们可以实现一个非常灵活的数据保护模型,可以进入对象存储的性能和可扩展性。”亚搏电竞app下载



The Quantum solutions offer the performance to deliver a responsive NAS experience to desktop users as they work with high-resolution media files. With the StorNext platform, Hogarth can also support a full range of client operating systems and applications. Team members can easily access files without altering how they are used to working.



通过这项新的校园计划,HogArth正在挖掘备份和数据保护的量子能力。例如,该团队现在使用Quantum Storage Manager版本控制功能来确保即使文件被意外删除或用户需要返回以前版本,也可以保持富有效率。随着多种容量的,新的ActiveScale Systems可以保留更多版本和文件。

对于归档目的,HogArth使用量子Flextier将数据发送到Microsoft Azure云环境。“这种使用云存储资源的额外保护层使我们能够安心,即使数据中心经历了某种灾难,即使数据中心也是安全的,”巴特勒说。

Preparing for continued expansion
