
Many research and teaching universities face a daunting combination of storage problems. Data is increasing at a rapid rate, and files—even those with older data—are critical to keep for future use. But budgets are under constant pressure.


这个问题首先对生命科学的一个常春藤联盟大学来说至关重要,基因组测序正在创造迅速增加的数据集。高速NAS用于主动加工,但存储旧文件太贵。需要保留这些文件 - 它们持有可能在未来开采的重要信息 - 但他们可能无法访问数月甚至几年。很快,需要在其他部门发现,这也积累了所需的数字资产,并保持可访问。成本分享很复杂,因为每个部门都有自己的预算。


添加更多主磁盘以保持旧文件太贵,也意味着更多管理开销。该团队探索使用公共云存储提供商,但成本显着 - 每月每千兆字节约为1美分 - 并将收费累积。此外,数据将超出大学的直接控制。

Tiered Archive Solves Storage Problem Across Departments

The university found a better solution—building a private cloud using Quantum’s Artico intelligent NAS solution. Artico is a NAS appliance that can be shared between multiple departments and users. But it also includes storage management software, StorNext®, that automatically moves data from performance disk to secondary, archive tiers. Archive options include public cloud, object storage, and, the ultimate choice of the university, LTO libraries.


Costs up to 75% Lower Than Cloud

The total cost of the University’s Artico solution, which provides 73TB of disk and 4.8PB of tape storage, was much lower than the public cloud that the university investigated—less than 0.25 cents per gigabyte per month—a savings of up to 75%.

Users still have direct access to the data, and all the data is stored in two separate locations under the direct control of the university. During the proof-of-concept tests, Quantum provided access to new features designed to let the IT team track storage utilization by department for distributed charging.

Built for High Availability and Secure Long-Term Retention

Artico tiered archives provide the levels of availability required for holding critical—and extremely valuable—assets for years. The disk arrays and controllers feature full redundancy with active-active failover, and the data management software is among the most widely used solution of its kind, used around the world for everything from satellite downloads to feature films. The标量I6000 LTO图书馆include proactive media integrity testing and automated migration of data to new media if error rates begin to increase.