
拥有超过50多个国家的每月读者,超过35个印刷品和数字杂志,超过35个网页和移动应用程序,NewBay Media是音乐,专业音频,视频和游戏专业发烧友内容的首映出版商。

跟上与公司音乐集团相关的视频内容的需求是其最大挑战之一。亚搏官网app登录入口从名人会议到教程的内容 - 不断变化,现有材料纳入新产品,必须为YouTube提供支持以及所有最新的Apple,Google,Nook和Kindle格式。

Aging SAN Limits Growth—Solution is Whole-System Upgrade

“我们的视频制作系统是一个大约两年前收购出版物的苹果Xsan系统,”Newbay Media的IT媒体总监Anthony Verbanac解释道。“只需短暂的时间即可看到该系统无法跟上我们生产所需的速度。该团队几乎每个项目都耗尽了存储,因此我们始终将数据写入磁带。磁盘太老了,我们开始看到许多错误甚至数据损坏的迹象。我们知道我们必须快速做点什么。



The new system would need to let four workstations share files easily, and support all their applications, including Final Cut Pro, Compressor, DVD Studio Pro, and Adobe Creative Suite, as well as their existing digital assets. The team needed to roughly double the amount of storage, and they needed higher performance everywhere, simplicity, and low cost.

“We do not have a large IT staff, so it was really important to find a solution that would be turn-key, that could fit in quickly and that would minimize ongoing admin. We needed something that would be easy to install and that would just work once it was in.”


选择StorNext Pro Foundation

答案是Quantum的Stornext Pro Foundation。它集成了较小的工作组中协作所需的所有元素,包括StorNext 5平台和高性能RAID。它还使其易于缩放容量,并使用磁带,对象存储或云添加存档。亚搏电竞app下载

“Stornext Pro Foundation完全是我们需要的,”Verbanac解释道。“这是一种基于家电的解决方案,易于建立和维护。它为我们提供了我们今天需要的能力,将来要增长,它与我们所有的应用程序和最新版本的OS X兼容。它也是价格实惠的。“


S.torNext links the team’s workstations directly to the SAN, giving editors high-speed shared access to the same files. All the applications still work, and existing content can be edited transparently.

Bill Amstutz, VP and General Manager of NewBay’s Music Group, explains the impact of the new system on the company’s bottom line: “It’s safe to say that the installation of the Quantum solution has made our video productivity at least double what it was without it. In 2015 we produced more than 200 lessons, product demos, and artist interview videos, and about a dozen DVDs. Our revenue directly related to those projects is close to $200k. Without Quantum, upwards of 50% of those videos, and that revenue, would not have been actualized without using additional videography resources.”