

As audience members settle into their seats for a ballet performance, data storage is generally far from their minds. But behind the scenes, San Francisco Ballet captures an enormous amount of visual content. Dancers can review their work, and the ballet can use the media for promotional purposes on the web and elsewhere.

Finding a place for growing volumes of content
“摄影师每季历史新了30个不同的芭蕾舞演员,”旧金山芭蕾舞演员主任Murray Bognovitz说。“他们捕获了一系列广泛的高清镜头,从舞者的特写镜头到舞台的宽镜头。我们还在舞台上拥有固定的高清视频摄像头,记录排练和一些表演。“视频由静止图像补充。

所有内容都需要在某处存储和存档。“今天我们在磁盘上接近100 TB数据,”Bognovitz说。“我们需要将数据从我们的生产磁盘环境移动到一个将让我们保留内容并重复使用多年的存档。”

几年前,当视频制作团队首先开始在高清工作时,IT组是执行新的数据存储环境的任务。IT组选择了Apple XSAN文件系统和Xserve Server,只要学习一年后,Apple正在为Xserves中止支持。

从Quantum参加网络研讨会后,IT组看到了移动到StorNext平台的机会。在Advanced System Group(ASG)的帮助下,IT解决方案提供商和量子合作伙伴,芭蕾舞组件基于Quantum Stornext平台部署了一个新的存储环境。“向Stornext平台的过渡是无缝的,”Bognovitz说。

A few years later, in 2018, ASG helped the ballet deploy Quantum Xcellis workflow storage and upgrade to the latest version of StorNext. ASG and the ballet’s IT group were able to easily integrate StorNext and Xcellis into existing media production workflows. There was only one important change: “When we switched to Xcellis, the video team definitely saw increased performance compared with the previous hardware,” says Bognovitz.

In addition to a new production environment, the ballet’s IT group needed an archive that could help preserve content from previous seasons. “When I compared the costs of tape with disk, it was clear that tape was a much more cost-effective approach,” says Bognovitz.

该团队最初部署了Quantum Scalar I40磁带库,对结果感到满意。随着LTO技术的发展,IT组决定向上移动到下一代磁带库,选择Quantum Scalar I3。“我们认识到,LTO-8技术可以通过成本有效地归档每个墨盒中的巨大内容来帮助我们为未来做好准备,”Bognovitz说。“通过支持LTO-8,标量I3向我们提供了一些实际距离。”

帮助提供consiste量子解决方案nt, reliable storage and archive environments for San Francisco Ballet. “StorNext was a game changer. And when we added Xcellis, we were just in a different world. We now have the reliability and the capacity we need at all times,” says Bognovitz.

If and when the ballet’s IT group needs assistance, Bognovitz and team can depend on Quantum and ASG. “Quantum support is fabulous,” says Bognovitz. “We’ve looked at other storage and archive solutions over the years, but we knew that other vendors could not deliver the same level of support.”

与此同时,ASG提供了售前咨询,实施援助和正在进行的管理支持,以帮助确保一切顺利运行。“对我们来说,量子和ASG不仅仅是技术供应商 - 他们是真正的伙伴,”Bognovitz说。亚博棋牌正网