StorNext Scale-Out Storage The Right Platform For Leading Oilfield Company


Needing High-performance Storage for High-performance Computing

该过程使用专门的软件应用程序,需要高性能存储,并生成大量数据。该研究所的大约640个节点和7,000个核心每年生成30TB至40TB - 团队需要增加超过100TB的新容量。作为新疆油田的母公司,石油,加强对西方资源的重视,本公司意识亚搏官网app登录入口到其现有的磁盘和网络附加的存储(NAS)基础设施无法处理需求增加。

IT团队需要新的存储来支持更高速处理 - 均更高的带宽和更快的I / O连接。该团队汇总了绩效溢价,包括Infiniband对带宽敏感的应用程序的支持。该解决方案还需要支持其现有的CGG应用程序,以及未来的规模。


为了满足需求,新疆油田团队从量子中选择了StorNext略微缩放的存储解决方案。该解决方案包括StorDext QD6000 RAID存储,双冗余StorNext元数据设备,用于高速访问数据和Stornext Gateway设备。该配置支持InfiniBand进行最高性能,为日常运营提供IP连接,并与用于石油和天然气勘探的所有标准应用完全兼容,包括CGG应用程序。

Deploying a Proven Storage Solution Proved to be Quick and Easy

Deployment was fast and simple, due to the combination of Quantum’s preconfigured solution and Quantum’s experience with oil and gas exploration. The entire project—preparing all the equipment, installing hardware, building the operating environment, deploying the network, testing, adjusting and optimization—was completed in just two months.

“The new InfiniBand network architecture enabled better performance and higher speed than the previous IP network. The overall speed of our operations was dramatically improved— and thanks to the adjustment and optimization process—the entire system operates smoothly,” explains Zhang Feng, director of the Information Center at Xinjiang Oilfield Company. “The project was completed quite rapidly and drove our business growth effectively.”


量子provided system and technical support, and trained the Institute’s IT team during implementation. Quantum’s oilfield IT experience allowed the team to deploy the system quickly and fine-tune it to improve performance with specific, critical applications.


