renci.chooses Quantum Storage for Genome Sequencing and Coastal Modeling

这Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) supports cutting-edge research in life,earth, and data sciences. RENCI needed a new storage solution to enable its high performance computing (HPC) cluster and archive large amounts of precious scientific data for years to come.

Archiving Large Volumes of Genomic and Coastal Modeling Data

Based at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, RENCI supports groundbreaking research. Scientists from UNC, North Carolina State University, Duke University, and other universities investigate the genetic causes of disease, create detailed storm surge models, facilitate the use of big data for government and industry, and more.

为研究项目提供足够的存储是至关重要的。“基因组测序可以产生每人100GB或更多的数据,”Renci高级信息学科学家Chris Bizon说。“除了保持最终产品外,我们还将临时数据存储为生成 - 如果出现问题,研究人员可以查看数据而无需从头开始。”

这IT group at RENCI must also keep scientific data available for research over the long term. “Genomic data is expensive and time-consuming to collect,” says Bizon. “We want to make sure we preserve data so researchers can conduct new analyses in the future.”

Creating a Multi-Tier Environment for HPC with StorNext

几年前,Renci的IT集团实施了一个支持的多层存储环境xinyabo体育 数据管理软件简化工作流程并删除科学项目的障碍。目前,StorNext多层环境包括StorNext元数据设备,StorNext Gateway设备,以及Quantum Scalar I6000磁带库以及其他供应商的磁盘存储。

“StorNext provides a single, multi-tier platform that simplifies administration and helps ensure researchers have the resources they need right away,” says Marcin Sliwowski, IT manager at RENCI.

这tape libraries provide a cost-effective way to archive large amounts of scientific data. “In addition to avoiding hardware costs, we can reduce power, cooling, and real estate expenses,” says Sliwowski.

Providing Easy Access to Research Data to Enable Scientific Collaboration



Stornext磁带存档在Renci目前提供近3PB的能力,为研究人员提供大量空间,以保护基因组学数据和地球科学数据。“StorNext存档可以扩展到非常大的尺寸,因此研究人员不必担心他们节省了多少数据,”Renci高级研究软件开发商Erik Scott说。

Improving HPC Speed with Dedicated Scratch Disk Built on StorNext

几年前,Renci IT组扩展了它使用StorNext来支持其HPC群集的新临时磁盘环境。研究人员已经注意到专用划痕空间的性能改进。“当多个用户尝试一次流数据时,之前的临时存储解决方案减慢了 - 它是笔记本电脑级性能,”Scott说。“有Stornext,这不再是问题了。多个用户可以在没有性能问题的情况下协作数据。“