Quantum Corporation隐私政策




本隐私政策描述了我们如何对员工的个人信息以及我们从Quantum Corporation及其子公司和附属公司(统称“量子”或“我们”)相关的个人信息,以及我们的产品,服务,支持或营销活动,或来自客户,供应商和其他业务合作伙伴的代表。亚博棋牌正网通过访问我们的网站或通过使用我们的产品,服务或支持或通过销售美国产品或服务,您承认并同意受本隐私政策的条款和条件的约束。如果您不同意这些条款,请不要访问我们的网站或使用我们的产品,服务或支持或销售美国产品或服务。



International Transfers

在为您提供我们的产品和服务时,我们可以将个人信息转移到数据保护和隐私法规不会提供与欧洲经济区(“EEA”)相同的保护程度。在我们将个人信息转移到欧洲委员会不受充足的决定的国家,我们将以适当的数据传输机制保护它。当我们将您的个人信息从EEA转移到美国时,我们根据欧盟 - 美国的基础。和瑞士隐私盾牌。了解更多信息,请click here或根据我们的联系信息联系我们。



The web browsing information we collect includes statistical information such as the pages visited on our sites, unique URLs visited within our sites, the domains from which people visit our sites, browser type, and IP address. Most of this information is collected via cookies or other analysis technologies, such as Google Analytics. We may use the cookies to identify your computer. For more information on the kind of information Google Analytics provides us and how to safeguard your privacy when Google Analytics are used, read here:https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en

量子requires the collection and use of your information to understand your needs and interests and provide you with a better service. More specifically, we collect and use your information to:


We do not and will not sell or rent personal information, including the personal information of minors under 16 years of age. We do not share personal information with nonaffiliated companies except that we may disclose such information to third parties for a business or commercial purpose such as the following:

We may share aggregate or de-identified information that cannot reasonably be used to identify an individual.


For individuals who are not Quantum employees

Information Category Information Types 收藏的目的 Sources of Information Third Party Recipients
Category A Generally limited to name and business contact information such as business email, phone, and address As described above, including to:
  1. Complete product sales and support obligations;
  2. Perform customer service obligations;
  3. 开展产品营销活动; and
  4. 遵守适用的法律
信息您直接向我们提供or provided to us by our sales and marketing partners Sales, manufacturing, logistics, customer service, and marketing partners, and when necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services
Category B Generally limited to name and business contact information such as business email, phone, and address As described above, including to:
  1. Complete product sales and support obligations;
  2. Perform customer service obligations;
  3. 开展产品营销活动; and
  4. 遵守适用的法律
信息您直接向我们提供or provided to us by our sales and marketing partners Sales, manufacturing, logistics, customer service, and marketing partners, and when necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services
Category D 通常限于实际或预期购买量子产品或与量子产品相关的产品 As described above, including to:
  1. Complete product sales and support obligations;
  2. Perform customer service obligations;
  3. 开展产品营销活动
信息您直接向我们提供or provided to us by our sales and marketing partners Sales, manufacturing, logistics, customer service, and marketing partners, and when necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services
Category F Includes information gathered about your interaction with our website, as described in more detail in this privacy policy As described above, including to carry out product marketing activities 信息您直接向我们提供or provided to us by our sales and marketing partners 销售,客户服务和营销合作伙伴,以及必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务亚博棋牌正网
Category I 信息类型也包括在这里列出的其他类别中,例如业务联系信息 As described above, including to:
  1. Complete product sales and support obligations;
  2. Perform customer service obligations;
  3. 开展产品营销活动


Information Category Information Types 收藏的目的 Sources of Information Third Party Recipients
Category A Generally limited to:
  1. 姓名和个人联系信息,如电子邮件,电话和地址;和
  2. 社会保险、驾驶执照或您在招聘过程中提供给我们的其他身份证号码
As described above, including to:
  1. 处理招聘申请并完成招聘决定;和
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划
  1. 工资单处理器,员工福利提供者和税务机关;
  2. Insurance providers; and
  3. 必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务
Category B Generally limited to:
  1. 姓名和个人联系信息,如电子邮件,电话和地址;和
  2. 社会保险、驾驶执照或您在招聘过程中提供给我们的其他身份证号码
  3. 您为管理我们的工资义务或员工福利计划而向我们提供的银行、医疗或健康保险信息;和
  4. Other types of personal information included in the other categories listed here
As described above, including to:
  1. 处理招聘申请并完成招聘决定;和
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划
  1. 工资单处理器,员工福利提供者和税务机关;
  2. Insurance providers; and
  3. 必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务
Category C 通常仅限于您在招聘过程中向我们提供的年龄、性别、种族和家庭状况信息 As described above, including to:
  1. 处理招聘申请并完成招聘决定;和
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划
  1. 工资单处理器,员工福利提供者和税务机关;
  2. Insurance providers; and
  3. 必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务
Category I Generally limited to the professional work history information:
  1. 您在招聘过程中向我们提供;和
  2. 可在以工作和招聘为重点的互联网网站和社交媒体应用程序上进行审查
As described above, including to:
  1. 处理招聘申请并完成招聘决定;和
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划
您直接提供给我们的信息or available on hiring-focused internet websites and social media applications
  1. 工资单处理器,员工福利提供者和税务机关;
  2. Insurance providers; and
  3. 必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务
Category J Generally limited to the education history information:
  1. 您在招聘过程中向我们提供;和
  2. 可在以工作和招聘为重点的互联网网站和社交媒体应用程序上进行审查
As described above, including to:
  1. 处理招聘申请并完成招聘决定;和
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划
您直接提供给我们的信息or available on hiring-focused internet websites and social media applications
  1. 工资单处理器,员工福利提供者和税务机关;
  2. Insurance providers; and
  3. 必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务


We are committed to protecting the privacy of children and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their children’s online activities and interests. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children and we do not knowingly market our products or services to children.


We will retain your personal information as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, usually for the duration of any contractual relationship and for any period thereafter as legally required or permitted by applicable law. Our retention policies reflect applicable local statute of limitation periods and legal requirements.



Cookies, Pixels, and Other Online Tracking Methods







On many of the pages of our site you will see buttons that link to Quantum’s social media pages. Implementing these buttons requires the use of scripts from sites that Quantum does not control. You should be aware that these sites may be collecting information about what you are doing all around the Internet, including on Quantum’s site. If you click on any of these buttons, these sites will be registering that action and may use that information. In some cases, if you are logged into their services (like Google and Facebook), these sites will be registering the fact that you are visiting Quantum, and the specific pages you are on, even if you don’t click on the related button. You should check the privacy policies for of each of these sites to understand how they use your information and how you can make changes.





Participants in the leading Internet standards-setting organization that is addressing this issue are in the process of determining what, if anything, websites should do when they receive such signals. Quantum currently does not take action in response to these signals.

Your Choices and Rights

You can choose to no longer receive email communications from Quantum or update your communication preferences with us by using thislink to update your communication preferences或者通过点击电子邮件通信中的“取消订阅”链接,除非我们可以继续与您沟通,以便提供您所要求的服务或产品。为我们提供个人信息是可选的,但它将影响我们可以向您提供的服务。




如果这些权利适用于您,您可以根据我们提供的以下联系信息与我们联系,免费行使其中任何一项权利。您也可以提交您的请求hereif you are or were a Quantum employee or have applied for employment with us, orhere如果您从未成为员工或与我们申请的工作。但是,如果由于其重复的性格,我们可能会收取合理的费用或拒绝按照要求行事。在检查您的索赔时,我们会要求您提供足够的信息来在授予您的请求之前标识自己(包括验证我们所拥有的识别信息)。在某些情况下,我们可能会拒绝对您的权利的行动或施加限制,例如,如果您的要求可能对量子和其他人的权利和自由产生不利影响,损害执行或执行法律,干扰待定或未来的诉讼或侵犯适用的法律,或者我们不能充分验证您的身份。在所有情况下,您都有权利不会因美国加州消费者隐私法的赋予赋予隐私权并提出监督机构的投诉而获得歧视性待遇。


Changes in This Privacy Policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy policy, the homepage, and other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances—if any—we disclose it.

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here, by e-mail, or by means of a notice on our home page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us atprivacy@quantum.com或(800)677-6268或以书面形式为Quantum Corporation,注意:隐私办公室,224机场Parkway,Suite 550,San Jose,CA 95110.您也可以通过任何方法与我们联系,要求提供个人信息的详细信息我们遵守您或向您的信息申请更正,更新或删除。

Disability Access

Individuals with disabilities may access this notice in an alternative format by contactingprivacy@quantum.comor (800) 677-6268 and requesting that the privacy policy be provided in hard copy or read aloud over the telephone or an internet-based phone call.




The material on our site is given for information only and does not constitute technical or legal advice. You must take all precautions appropriate to ensure your own Internet safety.

Privacy Policy updated December 30, 2019.